They came from hardy stock: explorers, pioneers, war veterans, farmers,
preachers and coal miners; all working hard to find their place in the world as they continued to give birth to the next generation of musicians, artists, and craftsman. Such ancestors left us the rich legacy of their majestic mountain home.
Beverly Hall Walker has compiled Rich Mullins’ ancestral lines in the spiral bound book, "Going Home: A Sojourner's Appalachian Roots/ In Remembrance of Richard Wayne Mullins 1955-1997." In memory of Rich Mullins' dedication to funding charities for children and his devotion to developing the creative gifts of the next generation, and in honor of his Appalachian ancestors who gifted Rich with hands, feet and wings, she has chosen to donate the profits from her research to the Revelation Ranch Ministries in Letcher County, KY.
If you come to the Jamboree, be sure to visit our booth! We're A Candle to the Sun. Can't wait to see you there!