"Singing From Silence is a winning memoir that is one of the warmest stories of friendship and creativity that I have ever read. I believe I treasure it so highly because of how effectively it connects with my real life. It is at points tangled, and does not claim to have all the answers about Rich, or about my human relationships either, but it tells it "real-ly", like it is, knots and all. In the end, Pam's book is a bright tale of the wonder of deep mercy and grace. It is a work of art that celebrates the truth that forgiveness is real for every one of us and that our friendships are made up by a Creator who made us in His image to love and to be loved. "
"Thank you Pam, for taking the time to let this story breathe and flow artistically through you. In the opening pages of your book you said, 'Forgive me, and thank you.' Now it is our turn to thank you."
--Donna Yoder
To see a review by Debbie Blackwell Buckley, click here
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